I’m Sebastian, I was born in 1980-something, I have a PhD in Bio-informatics, I know a lot about computers and a bit about biology, I like movies, (retro-)games, sports and travelling. This blog is about some projects I’m working on in my spare time. Mostly to hone my programming skills, have some fun or try new technology. There will be some posts about games, machine learning, hardware, programming and web development, …
If you want to find out more about my research head over to sebastian.proost.science for details on what I’m doing at work. About where I was travelling to lately you can find posts on another blog Beyond the Known go and check it out.
Why 4DCu.be
It should be read as 4D Cube! A 4D cube, also known as a hypercube or tesseract, is the 4D equivalent of a cube, just as a cube is the 3D equivalent of a square. It appears very often in popular (and less popular) culture ranging from Marvel Blockbusters to cult-classics (e.g. Cube²: Hypercube). Seemed like a suitable name for a blog focusing on tech, programming and building things.
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