a blog about programming, gaming, technology, ...
Building a Bluetooth Speaker Part 1
Since seeing a Bluetooth Speaker build by The Smuggler’s Room I have been planning to do one my self, here I’ll discuss the electronics. Putting everything in a 3D printed case and painting it will be for the next. My build will be a little different from theirs, so I’ll...
Setting up a Google Cloud Function
With Google’s Cloud Functions you can make simple microservices that can perform a task on Google’s infrastructure. This allows some functionality of an app to be moved to the cloud. This can be useful in a number of cases; for instance the Dashboard from a previous post. When running scripts...
One Year 4DCu.be
Yes! Twenty-five posts done in about a year. So, mission to do one post every two weeks on average, accomplished. In this post I want to summarize this journey, what I’ve learned and how I hope to continue. 25 Fortnights of Code When starting this blog I was inspired by...
Best Tools to Edit STL Files
After being inspired by The Smuggler’s Room I decided to build a Kyber Crystal Crate Bluetooth speaker myself. Though the 3D printable models they provide need some work after being printed … with tools I don’t have … So I decided to make the necessary changes to the models digitally...
CodeForces: Trying on Competitive Coding
How well do you know your algorithms? If you are a self-taught coder (like me), this might be a gap in your knowledge! This post is my attempt to get some extra practise under my belt writing algorithms to solve a few coding problems. On CodeForces, a site where there...
Static Site Generators: Jekyll vs Pelican vs Gatsby
There are many static site generators out there! Which one to pick is far from trivial. In this post three generators used in some of my projects are being compared, helping you pick the right one for your next project! On JamStack there is a long list of generators to...
An Agent Based Model to look at Gwent Pro Ladder (results)
With the Agent Based Model (ABM) from the previous post we can simulate any number of Gwent players, with known skill and play rate, playing throughout a season. Using this model we’ll try to get a firmer grasp on the ladder system and test whether this rewards skill or grinding...