a blog about programming, gaming, technology, ...
Improving blogs with custom Jekyll Plugins
This blog is built using Jekyll, which can be used to generate a static website based on a set of templates (for the layout) and markdown files (for the content). The main advantage is that GitHub pages can be leveraged to host those static pages for free. However, while there...
3D Printing Tips & Tricks
3D Printing can be tricky if you don’t have the right settings for your machine and material. Here are some tips & tricks I’ve picked up since buying a Creality CR10S. With some minor tweaks to the printer and the standard Cura profile some great results can be achieved. Update...
Minimalist Art Using a Genetic Algorithm
While the genetic algorithm in the previous post worked very well, it didn’t quite produce the style of minimalist artwork I was trying to achieve. Furthermore, it didn’t allow the chromosomes to evolve using duplication and deletion of existing genes (which is very common in biology). So after mulling over...
Genetic Art Algorithm
Genetic algorithms are fun, they require a different way of thinking. Here I’ll guide you through my process of building an algorithm that evolves 150 random triangles into a famous piece of art. The work I picked to re-draw: Van Gogh’s The Starry Night. The original and the version the...
Machine Learning: the Gathering
In Magic: the Gathering, a collectible card game, competitive players tend to gravitate towards a few dozen of the best decks made up out of a subset of all available cards. For instance in the Legacy format nearly all 18000 cards can be played, yet you’ll only see about 500...
25 Fortnights of Code
I have a lot of projects sitting on my hard drive, most of them are half-finished and poorly documented. My resolution for 2020 is to improve this! The 100 Days of Code challenge has been popular for some time now and many people have done their own version of this....
Sentiment Analysis and the Shape of Stories
When I accidentally stumbled upon a presentation from Kurt Vonnegut on how stories have a shape I started thinking… “Would you be able to use natural language processing (NLP) to pick up these shapes based on sentiment analysis of the actual text?” So here I’ll show you the approach I...