• A Python powered MacroPad/StreamDeck

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    I decided to put left-over parts from my mechanical keyboard and a Raspberry Pi Pico to good use and build a MacroPad. This is a small keypad, where each switch can be programmed with a certain button or combination of buttons to quickly execute often needed shortcuts. Streamers often have...

  • Adding Aqara Sensors to Home Assistant

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    Home Assistant is running great! It is time to add some more devices to my setup, and since all groundwork to add Zigbee devices using Zigbee2MQTT was done previously (check out this post) it makes sense to add more devices that support this protocol. For this post I picked up...

  • PCA Plots with Loadings in Python

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    Like the previous Code Nugget, this bit of code will add some often needed features to PCA plots done with Python. Here the loadings and variance explained will be added to the plot, this is something that is included by default in R’s biplot(), but in Python there is more...

  • Correlation Heatmaps with Significance in Python

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    While Pandas and Seaborn offer very quick ways to calculate correlations and show them in a heatmap. Whether those correlations are statistically significant or not is omitted from those plots. Over the years I’ve collected bits and pieces of code, like this, that turn out to be quite useful. Though...

  • Building a Bluetooth Speaker Part 2

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    Finished my Kyber Crystal Crate Bluetooth speaker as shown in The Smuggler’s Room. The electronics inside were discussed in part 1. The shell is printed in PETG which had some issues with the details as the retraction settings were not dialed in 100% yet, so the prints required a fair...

  • GameBoy Zero Builds

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    About a year ago I build a GameBoy Zero (a Raspberry Pi Zero in a gameboy shell) and this weekend I finished a second one. You can see some picture of the first one (black case) and the new one (transparant, blue shell) below. While I thought about doing a...

  • Gwent: How Many Pro Players Are Out There ?

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    I noticed that some people ended up on my blog by searching Google for “gwent how many players in pro rank”. They would have been disappointed as there is no answer to that question yet, let’s see if we can change that! In this post using data science and web...


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